URAC joins leading organizations, including the Alliance for Connected Care, American Telemedicine Association, ATA Action and the Consumer Technology Association in submitting a letter to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) requesting the expedited release of a revised proposed rule to permit and regulate the prescribing of controlled substances through telehealth. Current flexibilities allowing for the remote prescribing of controlled substances are set to expire at the end of this year, necessitating regulatory action to ensure their continuation.
The letter urges the Aency to issue a revised rule to permit and regulate the prescription of controlled substances through telehealth as soon as possible to ensure adequate time for patients to continue existing care.
DEA’s national leadership is needed to set a clear path forward for the nation and to encourage more consistent definitions and aligned requirements from state regulatory bodies – to encourage care in our most underserved areas, without geographic barriers limiting access to care.
- To read a full copy of the stakeholder letter, please click here.
- Learn more about URAC’s Mental Health/Substance Use Disorder Parity accreditation here.