What to tell your boss about URAC Connect

Want some information to help you show your supervisor the reason you should attend URAC Connect, the in-person client-only summit in Washington, DC October 2nd and 3rd, 2023? This should help. And if you need more reasons, just email us at education@urac.org.

Top Five Reasons I Should Attend URAC Connect

  1. I’ll be able to network with people from other health care organizations while learning and sharing best practices in patient care and administrative leadership
  2. URAC staff, including Reviewers, Client Relations Managers and executive leadership will be there every day of the event and I’ll be able to meet them and talk to them one-on-one about questions and issues
  3. There will be time for me to explore hot topics in health care, both formally and more informally
  4. URAC reviewers and other leaders are going to share tips and tricks to make the accreditation process even more clear
  5. Because it’s in Washington, DC, where URAC’s headquarters are located, we’ll be discussing how recent legislation and regulation can affect our work

We encourage (but do not require) attendees to receive updated vaccines and wear masks as they feel comfortable. URAC welcomes mask wearing and social distancing as attendees see appropriate. URAC follows guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and DC Health to prevent the spread of COVID-19.