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Mental Health is health care

Mental Health is health care

You know that your actions as an employer are what really matters to improve mental health in the workplace. When your leaders and team members work to improve mental health resources and services you offer, it shows a real commitment to employee well-being.

But where do you start? URAC’s Mental Health at Work Accreditation helps your organization demonstrate its commitment to ensuring a mentally safe and healthy environment for all team members. In this webinar, we’ll share what accreditation is, how your organization can prepare to go through the accreditation process and the benefits of earning this accreditation. By the end of the webinar, you’ll know:

  • Why organizations use accreditation to demonstrate quality
  • What it takes to apply for URAC’s Mental Health at Work Accreditation
  • How to prepare your team for accreditation – and that it’s not as daunting as they might think!

URAC’s Mental Health at Work Accreditation is available to organizations from ANY industry of ANY size. Small nonprofit organizations of less than ten people, as well as corporations that employ tens of thousands can apply – your organization is only compared to the standards and not others. And, as you improve over time, this accreditation grows with you.

  • When: October 8, 2:00 PM Eastern Time