URAC's Mental Health at Work Accreditation is Good Business

Looking to showcase your business's commitment to your employees mental health? URAC's Mental Health at Work Accreditation is based on the Mental Health Index from One Mind at work, which is a tool employers can use to assess their mental health support initiatives and receive feedback on how to improve, grow or shift these initiatives. The Accreditation:

  • Provides recognition to organizations that are prioritizing mental health at work.
  • Promotes growth in mental health awareness and strategies within the employer space.

The URAC accreditation process is more than collecting metrics and checking boxes. URAC offers a collaborative, comprehensive learning experience, driven by your organization's specific needs.

Our Mental Health at Work Accreditation provides recognition to organizations that are prioritizing mental health at work and promotes growth in mental health awareness and strategies within the employer space.

URAC's accreditation helps your organization build and improve employee mental health and promotes positive experiences. It helps build retention and recruit the best people to your company. And it's not just good for employees and fulfilling on a human level, it’s also good business.

Mental Health at Work Accreditation

Showcases your organization's commitment to your employees' mental health.

Learn More
Mental Health is health care

The personal and professional costs of unaddressed mental health conditions are large and growing

If you have questions, please contact us