Specialty pharmacies play an important and growing role in health care today. URAC worked with some of our accredited pharmacies and industry thought-leaders to help identify the trends that these pharmacies will likely face in the future.
Download Our White Paper
Our white paper, Specialty Pharmacy: Succeeding in a Shifting Landscape, highlights the work done by five of our accredited organizations and features interviews with leaders from each, as well as an overview of the specialty pharmacy landscape from the National Association of Specialty Pharmacy.
To download our white paper, Specialty Pharmacy: Succeeding in a Shifting Landscape, please submit the form below; the paper will be emailed to you.
The Future Of Specialty Pharmacy
In these videos, you can watch an interesting conversation led by Heather Bonome, PharmD, URAC’s Director of Pharmacy, about what the future holds for specialty pharmacy practice. She is joined by other industry experts we spoke to in the creation of the white paper. View the full video here.
URAC Pharmacy Programs
Our Pharmacy Accreditation suite of programs show partners, payers and patients that your pharmacy adheres to the strictest standards and can assure them of highest quality in all areas of these specialized clinical services.
Specialty Pharmacy Accreditation
Performs and/or delegates the dispensing of specialty medications.
*eligible for Rare Disease Certification
Mail Service Pharmacy Accreditation
Ships traditional prescription medicines and/or supplies.
Rare Disease Certification
Manages rare disease-related services/assistance/specialized care.
Specialty Pharmacy Accreditation for Small Business
Created for small specialty pharmacies.
*eligible for Rare Disease Certification
Mail Service Pharmacy Accreditation For Small Businesses
Created for small mail service pharmacies.
Pharmacy Benefit Management Accreditation
Pharmacy benefit management companies, health plans, other health care organizations.
Pharmacy Services Accreditation
Vaccine Administration, Point-of-Care Testing, Drug Therapy Management, Community Dispensing.
Specialty Pharmacy Services Accreditation
Performs support services for specialty pharmacies; does not dispense medications.
*eligible for Rare Disease Certification
Medicare Home Infusion Therapy Supplier Accreditation
Medicare pharmacy-based infusion organizations.